Nearly every day of my life involves mosaics in one form or another. Between collaborating and planning installations, working with students and friends or simply gluing stuff to other stuff, I am immersed. Welcome to shiny pieces...
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first glued pieces....
Today was insanely exhausting for me. I delivered six lessons on the basics of mosaic making to six adorable groups of kids. They even told me to call them my "minions", which I found hilarious.

Ulka talking to the older kids, my "team leaders". They are AWESOME artists.
There was lots of practicing, but I didn't let anyone start gluing until the end of the day.

my new friend and fellow art teacher, Shalaka.

I am so tired from working so much that all I have the energy to do is go home, eat and crash. Luckily eating entails a yummy veg restaurant just downstairs and up the road a little bit. For me tonight: palak paneer with rice and a sweet fresh lime soda. mmmmmm.

And tomorrow I can't wait to have a smoothie made in my new blender (traded for the microwave which I convinced the school I would never, ever use). I bought fruit, yogurt and honey. Bananas are in the freezer. (You do know that is the secret to a soft serve style treat, don't you?)

Good night. Maybe tomorrow my writing will be more.


  1. Neat! Sorry I missed your call the other day...lucky for us your such a good Blerger ;)

  2. Wow, you have those kids doing really nice work. Way to crack the whip.
